Our activities
Product value enhancement
Norfrigo in Boulogne-sur-Mer, Wimille and Dunkerque
Cap Gel in Le Havre
Cap Bourbon in la Réunion
annual flow
of products repackaged
flake ice
In 1930, a former Cape Horner and then pilot at the Port of Boulogne sur Mer, Master Mariner Paul-Emile LE GARREC, founded the fishing company LE GARREC ET CIE in Boulogne-sur-Mer.
Four generations later, the LE GARREC Group has become a benchmark actor in the sea products sector. Present in numerous regions and maritime zones throughout the world, today the group has successfully adapted and evolved with the changing times.
Over a century of existence, the Le Garrec company has developed expertise in numerous fishing techniques and its vessels have worked in seas and oceans across the globe:
- The North Atlantic, off the coasts of Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Spitzbergen, the Banks of Newfoundland and Saint Pierre and Miquelon, in the North Sea and the Channel as well as in Mauritanian waters.
- The South Atlantic, in the waters of Namibia.
- The Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean, catching tropical tuna off the coasts of Africa.
- The Indian Ocean and Southern Ocean (Kerguelen Islands and Crozet Islands) from the island of Réunion, longlining.
Through the years, Le Garrec Group’s fishing activity became to be supplemented by associated services such as seafood packaging and value enhancement in addition to logistics.
Today, the Group’s mission is :
To offer access to exceptional resources and to add value to your products.

The Group’s values and purpose
We are a family-owned group committed to undertaking and investing to contribute to the construction of a sustainable world.
Our raison d’être is to preserve and enhance the value of vital marine and energy resources through the development of products and services aimed at excellence, positioned from upstream to downstream.
Our four values guide our daily actions and behavior as well as our medium- to long-term strategy. They inspire the links we forge with our clients and partners and motivate our commitment to developing the skills of our employees.
In keeping with the human values that have permeated the group since its inception, we are committed to reducing our environmental footprint.
From upstream to downstream, we strive for performance and cultivate excellence in our products and services for the benefit of our customers.
Our success is collective, based on individual talents and our ability to bring them together, to make them progress, internally and through our partnerships.
Like the generations of entrepreneurs who have built and developed the group, our teams meet the daily challenges with audacity and perseverance to continue the adventure.
Professional partnership
The partnership-based approach is a key priority within the LE GARREC Group. We have forged long-standing relationships thanks to our respect for all stakeholders.
We promote links and create synergies between the geographical areas in which we operate, their actors and our business lines. With regards to training, we have developed partnerships with vocational training bodies and back-to-work associations.
We participate actively in developing links between the world of business and these bodies, for the design of training programmes and career pathways that are relevant to the needs of the sector. Our companies are outward-looking (open-door policy for schools and associations, trainees, work-study contracts, jobseekers etc.).
Wherever we are present, we have developed a local network involving the entire socio-economic fabric: companies, local administration, government. We collaborate with our partners in the fisheries, value enhancement and logistics sectors by participating in the projects and missions of professional organisations (including the UAPF, SARPC, Union du Mareyage, USNEF and SNCE).
R & D Partnerships
With concern for the conservation of resources, all our fishing data is transferred in full to the fisheries management and scientific bodies (French Oceanographic Institute, National Natural History Museum).
Acutely aware of all environmental issues, since 2017 we have been collaborating with the French national meteorological service METEO France on the collection of meteorological data.
Finally, we work with the AQUIMER Competitiveness Cluster and we are also associated with the Nouvelles Vagues technical studies centre at the QUALITROPIC cluster (based in Réunion), REUNION ECOEX, among others.
We also contribute to protecting the marine heritage through our involvement with the Southern Seas Companies Foundation.
Because sustainability is closely linked to traceability, we are modernising our computer systems, digitising them in order to guarantee and secure information. As part of the continuous improvement of our processes, products are tracked end-to-end through the chain. The aim is to be able to guarantee the origin of our products and those of our customers and to make a safe distribution network.
Our locations